Xiaomi Husa cu tastatura originala Xiaomi cu NFC si Touchpanel Negru pentru tableta Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 si Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 Pro, Magnetica

59.501,58 HUF
Husa cu tastatura originala Xiaomi cu NFC si Touchpanel Negru pentru tableta Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 si Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 Pro, Magnetica 

Condition: New


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Tip produs Husa cu tastatura pentru tableta
Model Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 / Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 Pro
Culoare Negru
Conexiune 3 pini
Diagonala 11 inch
Alte functii NFC, Touch panel​​​​
Dimensiuni           344.3 x255.6 x 5.4 mm
Greutate 390gr
Continut pachet:
1x Husa cu tastatura pentru Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 si Mi Pad 6 Pro
*Tableta nu face parte din pachet
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NFC: Yes

Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard
The perfect feel for a more efficient working experience



Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard
Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard
A keyboard and a protective folio case
The magnetic back plate stably connects the pad and the case. The pad can be placed in the slot to provide firm support, turning the pad into an efficient creative platform in seconds.
Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard
Simply effective operations
The 64-key layout has everything. The Esc key allows for quick cancelling and escaping, the Fn key opens up combinations for shortcuts as well as the task key, placing quick control at your fingertips.
Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard
Perfect typing experience
Ergonomic design and comfortable key distribution. 1.3mm key travel distance to provide perfect tap feedback strength.
Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard
Pogo Pin contact direct connection
Ultra-low latency, stable connection, smooth and natural input.
Xiaomi Pad 6 Keyboard

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